放眼目前市場,DAC產品種類繁多,消費者在挑選上實在莫衷一是,今天,這個局面將被終結了,我們特地為大家引進今年美國CES展最夯的Wyred4Sound DAC-2,這台DAC,不僅使用了最佳的解碼晶片,連USB傳輸,都是目前市面上最強的24-bit 192kHz Asynchronous傳輸方式,這台W4S DAC2,可以說是目前十萬以內最強的機種,台幣售價更是非常合理,我可以跟大家保證,十萬元以內,這台W4S DAC2真的是無敵啊。目前過年期間庫存只剩最後一部,有需要的朋友,趕緊把握機會,過年期間可以照常出貨喔。

W4S DAC-2 Features:

  • ESS Reference audio (ES9018) 32 bit DAC

  • W4S proprietary discrete output stages for optimum sonics

  • ESS Time Domain Jitter Eliminator®

  • Automatic oversampling for precise output filtering

  • Fully balanced design with balanced and unbalanced outputs

  • Upgradable Digital, Output, and USB boards (designed for future improvements)

  • Oversized toroidal transformer for solid and noise-free power

  • 88,000uF of filtering with W4S low ESR "super-cap" (same as used in the STP-SE)

  • VFD display for input, sample rate, volume control, and configuration viewing

  • Remote control

  • Defeatable - 32 bit volume control

  • HT Bypass inputs (selectable via DC trigger)

  • 2x Coax inputs

  • 2x Toslink inputs

  • 1x AES/EBU input

  • 1x Balanced I2S input via HDMI cable (not standard HDMI cable format)

  • 24-bit 192kHz Asynchronous USB input

  • Proprietary drivers for 32/64 bit Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Mac OS 10.4, 10.5 ,10.6

  • Factory selectable mains  115/230VAC

  • Compact size (8.5"W x 4.125"H x 13.5"D)

  • 16 lbs.



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